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Netwex is an open source all in one decentralized, peer to peer crypto community developed to provide several investment opportunities. Blessed with the charms of Artificial Intelligence, with our platform it is entirely possible to find the independence we all desire. Dedicated to accelerate the growth of our customers, we turn your passive money into active and growing wealth.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Start Trading and Augment Your Wealth with NETWEXSATB

Netwex coin(NXE) will provide immense value to Netwex Patrons. Continuous shopping and R&D ensures that coin value remains at peak. Shopping and invest with us and we’ll pass profits directly into your wallet. Start Trading and Augment your Wealth with NetwexSATB.

We've developed a revolutionary self-improvising AI based a trading algorithm which is  State-of-the-Art Trading Bot SATB, which can help our patrons earn substantial bonus coins over their purchase.

Why Netwex SATB? Because unlike others it grows and improves 
itself exponentially, with increasing number of transactions,
which in turn boosts up your financial growth.

Example: An Investor registers his account and deposits bitcoin value. When the price of NXE is going down the graph, he can purchase NXE coins equivalent to bitcoin value available in his account. Subsequently, he can sell the NXE Coins at a specific price or better.

To know more about Netwex Coin:  https://netwexcoin.com

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