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Netwex is an open source all in one decentralized, peer to peer crypto community developed to provide several investment opportunities. Blessed with the charms of Artificial Intelligence, with our platform it is entirely possible to find the independence we all desire. Dedicated to accelerate the growth of our customers, we turn your passive money into active and growing wealth.

Wednesday 25 April 2018


By On April 25, 2018

So as I was staring at my laptop wondering what I can copy and paste from Google for this week's blog, suddenly the term HODL came into my mind. Ok, truth be told it didn't pop into my mind, just go with the flow, alright. So there I was pondering on what to put on my blog, lo and beHODL(see what I did there) it comes to me. For those who don't know what HODL is, continue reading and for those who got it here's a thousand points. So today I am going to introduce to you a list of slangs every cryptocurrency enthusiast should know.

Aah!! the inexhaustible cycle of a Shitcoin getting a ton of pampering which in turn leads to a quick price increase, followed by a huge crash. Traders who pump, buying huge volumes, may wish to invoke FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) from the uninformed investors and then dump, or sell, their coins at a higher price.

Relatively common in English, a person who entices or encourage a product. The implication is that the shill is paid to promote an illegitimate or scam product. These are useful for pump-and-dumpers, since they might get people excited to invest in a scam. Of course, if people figure it out for what it truly is, the reaction is mostly "OFF WITH HIS HEAD"  i.e., people yell at them in ALL CAPS on forums and the shill makes a new account). Used as both a noun and verb.

#8 Bagholder
This is the one who has held on for too long. From the English phrase “left holding the bag”: the person is stuck with a shitcoin and didn’t exit at the top of the buywall. If you hold too long, especially if you’re AFI on a shitcoin, you will be a bagholder.

#7 AFI
All f**king in, just like in gambling, when someone decides they will put all their money into the proverbial one basket. If lady luck is with you, jackpot,  but most often this ends in tragedy and you end up looking yourself in the mirror and thinking  "Oh Dear Lord Almighty, what the fudge did I just do".

It’s clear as a day as to what it means, and is one of the more offensive terms which is thrown around quite casually. So if someone doesn’t like your coin, even if it has a decent technological and business foundation, it’s a shitcoin. But to be fair, a lot of coins are shitcoins.

Let's say XLR8 coin's price is meandering along at 500 for three days, but then it jumps to 800 in an hour, then to 1200 the next. This is a buywall, and it is a bit like the sideways momentum ran into a wall. Of course, a crash generally occurs afterward, because who could resist selling at a 140% gain over two hours? Then you “buy the dip” with the proceeds, of course.

#4 FUD
Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Three concepts anathema to growth.  It is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults, and propaganda. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear. So in the world of cryptocurrency, FUD is baseless negativity spread intentionally by someone who wants the price of certain coins to drop. 

Bears attack with a downward swipe, Bulls attack with an upward thrust with their horns. This is in relation to the price of the bitcoins.
Bear = down, Bull = up. 

a portmanteau of one with bearish sentiments and major influence. It is a whale(large or influential player) with a bearish sentiment. They can be quite dangerous, because they may sell off large quantities at high points, depressing the price. A bearwhale sounds like a menacing threat, and it certainly is.



The most popular crypto lingo term there is, HODL. The origin behind it is quiet amusing. So a guy, on December 2013, presumably intoxicated, misspelled  ‘HOLD’ as ‘HODL’ on one of his post. And the rest is history, the term has since then gone viral, popularly abbreviated for ‘Hold On For Dear Life’. It refers to the common sentiment among Bitcoin aficionados to hold on to their investments in the face of plunging prices.

Now that you know the slang you don't need to sit with a dumb grin on your face with tears on the verge of rolling out and you trying to hold it back and thinking what in Gods name does he mean by HODL when someone starts speaking bitcoin to you.


If I have missed out on any other slangs let me know by commenting below.

Interested in trading and selling cryptocurrency, Check out our Netwexcoin website at https://goo.gl/8SDnvK

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Netwex Coin Roadmap

By On April 11, 2018

Netwex is an open source all in one decentralized, peer to peer crypto coin community developed to provide several shopping and investment opportunities. Blessed with the charms of Artificial Intelligence, with our platform it is entirely possible to find the independence we all desire. Dedicated to accelerating the growth of our patrons, we turn your passive shopping and investment into active and growing wealth.

N.B: Find more about cryptocurrency & Netwex Coin (NXE) by logon to website address 

How to use make profit with Netwex Coin

By On April 11, 2018
Start Your Journey in 4 Easy Steps-read all the step carefully:

1-Get Onboard
Start by registering your account on our website. 

2-Buy &Lease
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3-Reap Profits
Once you’ve leased your coins, you are all set to get your share of Profits. 

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Once you have the NXE(Netwex Coin) you can purchase band products from our dedicated portal.

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log on to https://netwexcoin.com/ & join Crypto community by just Signup in given link

Saturday 7 April 2018

Start Trading and Augment Your Wealth with NETWEXSATB

By On April 07, 2018

Netwex coin(NXE) will provide immense value to Netwex Patrons. Continuous shopping and R&D ensures that coin value remains at peak. Shopping and invest with us and we’ll pass profits directly into your wallet. Start Trading and Augment your Wealth with NetwexSATB.

We've developed a revolutionary self-improvising AI based a trading algorithm which is  State-of-the-Art Trading Bot SATB, which can help our patrons earn substantial bonus coins over their purchase.

Why Netwex SATB? Because unlike others it grows and improves 
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which in turn boosts up your financial growth.

Example: An Investor registers his account and deposits bitcoin value. When the price of NXE is going down the graph, he can purchase NXE coins equivalent to bitcoin value available in his account. Subsequently, he can sell the NXE Coins at a specific price or better.

To know more about Netwex Coin:  https://netwexcoin.com

What is Netwex Coin, Know about it.

By On April 07, 2018
Netwex is an open source all in one decentralized, peer to peer crypto community developed to provide several investment opportunities. Blessed with the charms of Artificial Intelligence, with our platform it is entirely possible to find the independence we all desire. Dedicated to accelerating the growth of our customers, we turn your passive money into active and growing wealth.

Netwex coin(NXE) the altcoin for the Netwex crypto community will provide immense value to holders. Continuous investment in R&D ensures that coin value remains at peak. Invest in us and we’ll pass profits directly into your wallet.

To Know more, please login here: https://netwexcoin.com 

To Buy Netwex Coin: Register yourself here: https://netwexcoin.com/signup


So as I was staring at my laptop wondering what I can copy and paste from Google for this week's blog, suddenly the term HODL came i...
